Grand Parents

A picture taken in 1913 when my father was
about three years. The quality of this pictures leaves to be desired!

Another picture taken four years later in
1917. In those days it was rather stylish to colour pictures by hand! My grandmother has some
unnatural blushes painted on her cheeks....

My grandparents with friend standing in
front of the rather famous Municipality House in the town of Middelburg,
Zeeland. It was Easter in 1938. My grandfather liked to eat and it is showing
in this picture.

My grandfather had a one man business. He
had 'golden' hands and was good at most trades. He could lay bricks, be a
carpenter, machine wood and iron, hammer copper and tin, built
radio's and did electricity work. In his shop he had a workshop with machines
driven by an electromotor through leather belts, wheels and pulleys. I was always
fascinated by that elaborate system of whirring belts and wheels. But I was often
too close to his liking and ushered outside: Go play! He did electricity work in shops
and houses, sold light bulbs, switches, batteries, repaired vacuum cleaners, built
and repaired radio's, which was quite a mystical trade in those days. The shop
was on the address shown on the card: Hendrick Sorchstraat 6 and my grandparents
lived there from the year 1928. Before that time they used to live on the other
side of the street on nr 9, starting on the first floor and moving later to the
second floor.

This picture with radio was taken in the
summer of 1925. My grandparents were still living then on nr. 9 in the Hendrick Sorchstraat.
The radio valves and tunings coils were situated on the front panel. The girl in
the lower middle is a visiting neighbour. All five use headphones. No speakers
yet in those days! No problem, as 'radio reception' was quite new and the trendy
thing to do.

This is the rear view of the same radio.
The copper wires connecting the parts looked like a plumber's job in those days!