Ferry van Eeuwen
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Cartoons If you have any marine cartoons please send them to me and if you like I will add them to the cartoons which I already 'pasted' onto this page. They are taken from the album 'The Man with the Can' by Jan Sanders, published and distributed by Phin Publishing Ltd in the UK in 1978; ISBN 0-906196-27-2. Some more information can be obtained from the following nice web site dedicated to Jan Sanders. However, it's in Dutch I am afraid.
This cartoon is drawn by the rather famous Dutch cartoonist by the name of Jan Sanders, born in the year 1921. His commercial work, which brought him fame, was his annual calendar he used to make, for 17 consecutive years, for the Dutch paint company Sigma Coatings. The 'artist' captain is using ship paint for his creation! Painting was some kind of marine pastime during my time at sea. The able bodied sailors on board a ship were quite necessary when the ship entered or left port, but once at sea there was very little to do for them except painting the ship. I have seen many tons of paint wasted in my time at sea as part of some kind of strange social exercise, to keep the boys busy. As there was not enough fresh water to wash the deck or hull with before starting the paint job the paint was painted over the very salt deck and hull. The paint did not really connect to the bare iron or to the old layers of paint and often large pieces of the new layer were washed away during bad weather. Paint companies like Sigma Coatings did not complain about this practice......
Jan Sanders placed his cartoons in a commercial shipping environment but did not shy away from the military Navy environment if necessary. Many more - if not all - of Jan Sander's cartoons can be found on Albert Strating's site.
Sssst... Not now please. He is receiving the latest soccer scores!
H. A. Seeboldt made a large number of illustrations for the personnel magazine 'PDRH' of Radio Holland n.v. He had served as a radio officer on board Dutch ships. All his cartoons show the radio officer in some kind of funny or awkward position. Spiegel-Effies (2) was his second bundle of best cartoons and sadly enough published in 1969 shortly after his death at a still young age.
This is one of Seeboldt's cartoons. The text says: .... Curious, what we will be eating..... To understand it you have to notice the calendar on the wall of the mess room. It's hard to read in this copy, but it shows " Friday" On board all Dutch ships Friday was 'fish-day ', so Sparks is really asking a very stupid question. |